...La Mercé, the annual festival dating back from 1871 celebrates Barcelona culture, old and new. The city streets and seas are filled with traditional festivities and modern tastes. Barcelona is a buzz!!! UN BESO: La Mercé 2013, X
... it is rustic, it is desolate and it is beautiful. It is a place to disconnect and unwind and to enjoy its serentity and the magic of its beautiful crystal clear waters. It is very special and it is my paradise. UN BESO GRANDE: Formentera, X
... buried in El Born is 'Aire de Barcelona', an old bathouse that is now a spa with a variety of pools of different degrees. A blissful way to submerge underground and underwater, under Barcelona in a tranquil sanctury.
UN BESO: Aire de Barcelona, Paseo de Picasso, 22, Barcelona